Archive for March 6th, 2010


Game art of the Week: Banjo Kazooie by RobDuenas.

March 6, 2010

Change of schedule, those Toy Soldiers tips will come after my ‘take it easy’ weekend blogging.

So, this week’s game art comes from RobDuenas on Deviant Art and it’s his rendition of Banjo, from Banjo Kazooie, in a nuts & Bolts contraption.

Proof that, if you can trawl through many odd pictures of humanized bears and birds, you can find some damn good art on that site, this image is both a great representation of the game but also of the character and unbridled joy the game can create.

Another good one I found was by Goombajoe, a simple piece of pencil art but a pretty good piece none the less.