Archive for March 12th, 2010


Video of the Week – Shank shank shank shank shank sha(snip).

March 12, 2010

Not the middle of the week, but a video none the less, and with all this GDC and motion controlled rubbish flying around the net I thought I’d remind everyone of a little XBLA game that looks brilliant. The gorgeous and brutal Shank.

From the guys behind Eets, Shank looks like the love child of The Dishwasher, N+, and Penny Arcade. Watching the character leap and scale the environments is soothing on the eyes and the combat, whilst mimicking the enemy juggling flash of the DMC age, looks satisfyingly chunky, each hit looking like it genuinly hurts.

Shank is shaping up to be one of the best looking games on arcade is nothing else.